Just a quick note to let everyone know that we’re hiding out-of-stock items on the Epic Wholesale website. When items comes back into stock, they will appear on the site again. Please contact us if you have any questions. Thanks!
Now You Can Search by Product Brand
Now you can view products by brand. This enhances your shopping experience by allowing you to drill down into a product brand with one click! For example, you can select RAW from the Brands drop-down menu to see all products we carry from RAW: Note, not all of our product brands are displayed on the […]
EPIC mobile app is now available!
EPIC mobile app is now available! If you’re looking for a better mobile shopping experience, give the new Epic “PWA” (progressive web app) a try! A progressive web app is similar to an app you would download from an app store in that it’s designed exclusively for mobile devices, but it is delivered thru the […]